The basketball games against Weldon Valley on Friday will feature our HS Varsity teams only beginning at 5pm with the Girls followed by the boys.
about 19 hours ago, Kara Weathers
Unfortunately, our internet is down again, which means so are our phones. Wind is super cool. Please call or email the office staff if you need to reach the school. Thank you for your understanding.
about 22 hours ago, Mike Bowers
The Longhorns will take on Idalia tomorrow, Thursday, Jan 23rd at Home. Games will begin at 3:00 with JH Girls followed by JH Boys, Varsity Girls and Varsity Boys. It is also Parent's Night. We would like to recognize all parents who have a child playing basketball in 5th-12th grades before the Girls Varsity Warm-up. PLEASE BE AT THE SCHOOL BEFORE 5:00 to get lined up. Parents will also receive free admission to the games tomorrow night. See you Thursday! Go Longhorns!
1 day ago, Kara Weathers
Update & Reminder: JH GIRLS will be traveling to Sterling today. A game will start at 4:30 and B game will start at 5:30 at Sterling Middle School on the North gym. GO LONGHORNS
2 days ago, Peggy Fisher
Due to sub zero temperatures, there will be a 2 hour delay Tuesday morning. Busses will run two hours later than their normal times. No breakfast will be served. Thank you
3 days ago, Mike Bowers
Due to projected road conditions, wind and snow tomorrow, the Basketball games with Ft. Range Baptist have been rescheduled for Feb. 13th starting at 4pm
6 days ago, Kara Weathers
We are back online! All phone lines should be up and working!
6 days ago, Mike Bowers
Reminder: High School Basketball will host Briggsdale tonight at 5:00 p.m. 3 quarters JV Girls Varsity Girls Varsity Boys Class of 2030 will be serving Super Nachos GO LONGHORNS
6 days ago, Peggy Fisher
We wanted to make everyone is aware that our internet is currently down, which means so is our phone system. If you need to get a hold of us feel free to contact someone in the office on their cell phones.
6 days ago, Mike Bowers
Attention!!!: High School Ball games on Friday, January 17, 2025, have been moved to 5:00 p.m. instead of 4:00 p.m. Order of games: 3- quarters JV Girls Varsity Girls Varsity Boys Thank you Go Longhorns
9 days ago, Peggy Fisher
Coach Bitrerman has requested that his JH Boys be at Lone Star by 2:15 tomorrow, please. GO LONGHORNS
11 days ago, Peggy Fisher
Reminder: Junior High basketball hosts Fleming tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. Game order: JH Girls B (full game) JH Boys B (full game) JH Girls A JH Boys A
11 days ago, Peggy Fisher
Bus is now leaving Yuma. Please be at Lone Star to pick up your athlete if that is the plan. Go Longhorns
13 days ago, Peggy Fisher
The second bus is now leavinv Hi Plains. There will be a drop off in Yuma. Please be there to pick up your athletes if that is the plan. GO LONGHORNS
13 days ago, Peggy Fisher
Junior High Bus is now leaving Hi Plains. There will be a drop off in Yuma for those athletes being picked up.
13 days ago, Peggy Fisher
attached is the form for the Lone Star Employee of the year. I will be sending this out sporadically throughout the school year as the accountability chooses the winner based on your nominations in early spring.
13 days ago, Mike Bowers
Reminder: High School and Junior High travel to Hi Plains tomorrow. Games will start at 3:00 p.m. JH Girls A JH Boys A JV Girls (1/2 game) Varsity Girls Varsity Boys Since we will only be having A games for Junior High, the coaches have told which girls and boys will be suiting up and traveling with the team. Go Longhorns
14 days ago, Peggy Fisher
Happy Thursday! After much deliberation, JH Basketball games will still start at 4:00p.m. at Lone Star. GO LONGHORNS
14 days ago, Peggy Fisher
Reminder: Basketball pictures for all levels tomorrow!!! Go Longhorns
16 days ago, Peggy Fisher
Welcome to 2025! This week kicks us off with a bang. Tuesday, 1/7/25, JV Girls travel to Yuma. Game stars at 4:00 p.m. at "The Pit" at Yuma High School. Van will leave at 3:00 from Lone Star. Wednesday, 1/8/25, basketball pictures for all levels Thursday, 1/9/25, JH host Peetz. Games start at 4:00 p.m. Order of games will be Girls B (full game), Boys B (full game), Girls A (full game), Boys A (full game) Friday, 1/10/25, HS and JH will travel to High Plains, games start at 3:00 p.m. Game order will be JH Girls A, JH Boys A, JV Girls (half game), Varsity Girls, Varsity Boys Saturday, 1/11/25, HS and JH will host Deer Trail. Games start at 1:00 p.m. with JH Girls A, JH Boys A, Varsity Girls, Varsity Boys. GO LONGHORNS
17 days ago, Peggy Fisher